Parrocchia S. Nicola di Bari

nel Duomo di Termini Imerese

20 agosto 2005


Sua Altezza,

mi è gradito inviarLe, via Fax,

qualche testimonianza di quanto è presente nella cappella di S. Bartolomeo a seguito della collocazione dell'antica scultura lignea di S. Giacomo maggiore.

don Francesco Anfuso



S. Giacomo Apostolo , scultura lignea del sec. XV : proviene dalla chiesa omonima, antica madrice di Termini Imerese. L'opera, per il senso di robustezza e di grandiosa severità, viene solitamente assimilata a tutte quelle opere che riecheggiano l'arte romanica.

Il 25 luglio 2005, in occasione della festa liturgica dell'apostolo, l'opera, restaurata dal maestro G. Calvagna col contributo di S.A.R. Rosario di Sassonia, venne collocata in questa cappella di S. Bartolomeo apostolo.

Sua A.R. Dom Rosario di Sassonia Coburgo Gotha



The cult to the Saint James. at Termini Imerese, it's something which exists and comes from long time ago. The fact that comproves this ancient cult is the devotion of the X century Cathedral made to the Saint, when Termini Imerese was still a diocese (nowadays Termini Imerese belongs to the diocese of Palermo althoug it maintains a Titular Archebishop, His Excellency Mons. Antonio Maria Travia, Almoner Emeritus of His Holiness).

James of Aricio, in his will of 1436, between other disposals there was one in particular, made to his sons, universal heirs, that made them go on in a pilgrimage until Santiago of Compostela, so they coul pray for their own souls and release them from a vote whisc had not been accomplished, when alive, due to negligence.

On the XVII century, it's historically confermed the birth of a new Saint James fraternity.

The Cathedral, retored on 1650, it has on the main door has a shield with the shell and cross of Saint James.

Celebrations are no longer made on the inside of the Cathedral because it has not the roof, therefore all the material which once was inside it, now is at the Cathedral of Saint Nicolaus of Bari.

Between this material was also the Saint James statue the one that was restored with the contribution made by the Royal House of Portugal.