Scanned images of the official documents, certificates and affidavits undaubtably confirming the identity of Donna Maria Pia as Royal Princess of Saxon Coburgo Gotha de Bragança, and her title of XXI Duchess of Bragança

Please note: Click the link below to open a full size image in a new window.

solicitor Jean Louis Tixier Vignancour

Affidavit about the visit of the President Salazar. August 1, 1966

Angeles Esteban Goiocoechea de Faquer 

page1 page2

Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief Archivist Alcala Parish, Madrid 

page1 page2

Conde de Romanoes 

page1 page2 page3

Parish of the St.Theresa, Rome
Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief Archivist Alcala Parish, Madrid 

page1 page2 page3 page4 page5 page6 page7 page8 page9

Archbishop of Alcala, Madrid 

page1 page2 page3 page4

Vittoria Emanuella de D. 23/04/1970 

page1 page2

personal attestaion by the Consul of Portuguese Republic in Rome, 01/03/1945
personal attestaion by the Consul of Spain, Rome,21/04/1941
personal attestaion by the Consul of Spain, Rome,25/09/1945

Letter of Protection issued by Consule of Portugal in Milan, 21/05/1945

Scanned images of parts of some books undaubtably confirming the identity of Donna Maria Pia as Royal Princess of Saxon Coburgo Gotha de Bragança, and her title of XXI Duchess of Bragançam and her role in the history of Portugal

Please note: Click the link below to open a full size image in a new window.

Història de Portugal Vol. III A.H. de Oliveira Marques
Cover page 112-113    

Manuel Sertorio: Humberto Delgado - 70 Cartas Ineditas, Praça do Livro, Lisbon



Humberto Delgado: Compasso do tempo - MEMORIAS


page 233

page 234

Mariano Robles Romero-Robledo e Jose Antonio Novais: Humberto Delgado Assassinato de um Heroi,


page 82

page 83

page 84

Retrato de Delgado nas palvras dos companheiros de luta; OBVIAMENTE DEMITO-O


picture of Delgado and Donna Maria Pia with comment

Manuel de Bettencourt e Galvao: Ladernos Politicos; AO SERVICIO D'EL-REI


page 123

page 125

pages 126 - 127

pages 128 - 129

Mario Soares: PORTUGAL AMORDAÇADO deportimento sobre os anos do fascismo; Arcadia


pages 274 - 275

pages 276 - 277

page 278

Fernando Luso Soares: MARIA PIA Duquesa de Braganca contra D. Duarte PIO, o senhor de santar, 1938


page 5

page 6

page 7

page 8

page 9

page 10

page 11

page 12

page 13

(Pact of Paris 1922)

(Pact of Paris 1922)
